International Medical Exams

Medical exams for green card applicants and U.S. citizens working abroad

As the world globalizes, more opportunities are available for people to take long-term work assignments and enroll in study programs in foreign countries. For U.S. citizens, that often means becoming an expat with a work or study visa. For those individuals desiring to establish citizenship abroad or in the United States, the certified team of professionals at MAS Medical stand ready to provide comprehensive medical services, including exams, vaccinations, and lab testing.
A large plane in flight. In the background, there is a skyline of a city.
Medical exams for immigration to the U.S. and for expats to foreign countries are among MAS Medical’s specialized practice areas. Our providers emphasize patient education, so you can make informed decisions to maintain your health and well-being while traveling abroad.
Dr. Samia at MAS Medical is approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Securty and the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services as a professional civil surgeon, with full credentials to administer your medical exam for U.S. immigration.
Disease and health risks vary around the world – regardless of whether you are traveling in a “Western” nation or in developing countries. Our specialized travel health physician helps U.S. citizens prepare for a healthy expat or study abroad experience.

Fast and efficient appointments

Individuals seeking immigration medical exams or visas for traveling abroad often have tight schedules to meet, so MAS Medical frequently offers last-minute appointments – often same or next day.

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